Engine Honing from Rottler

When it comes to building engines, precision is paramount. One of the most critical steps in the engine building process is honing the engine block, which ensures that the cylinder walls are prepared for the pistons to operate efficiently. Roush Yates Engines is proud to partner with Rottler Manufacturing, who offers some of the most advanced honing machines in the industry, and recently installed two new H85AXY Xcelerate Vertical Honing Machines in its engine facility. Honing is indispensable in engine building. This process not only refines the surface of the cylinder walls and ensures cylinders are dimensionally accurate but also ensures they have the right texture to maintain oil for lubrication and seal the piston rings effectively. Here’s why precision honing matters: • Reduces Wear: Proper honing reduces engine wear and tear, extending the engine’s operational life. • Improves Fuel Efficiency: Smooth and even cylinder walls can enhance compression and, […]


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